Naturwissenschaft - Inhalt des Klassenzimmers

Engaging lessons, better grades at school

Use our valuable digital content in German as a teacher! Our projectable multimedia and online tests can add vareity to class work and motivate students to actively participate. Our classroom system effectively supports your work, turning the teaching-learning process into an experience.

How about making learning effortless and enjoyable?

What if cutting-edge and captivating tools inspired the students?

Subscribe to our classroom system! Enrich your methodological repertoire with spectacular animations projected in the classroom, and test lines completed on mobile devices.

  • unlimited access for 1 teacher to the online content "Naturwissenschaft" for 1 year
  • use of projectable animations in the classroom
  • unlimited access of Class Quizzes for the teacher and their students, as well as evaluation of the given answers
  • what do we need to know about our cosmic home?
  • what is inside the Earth?
  • how does a volcano work?
  • why does the wind blow?
  • how do rain clouds form?
  • and many more interesting facts about nature, presented with impressive 2D animations

Scroll down for the detailed table of contents!

  • 40+ topics in German, covered in separate lessons, with continually expanding content
  • 40 pc 2D animation with voice over with extra lessons
  • Class Quizzes with 5 questions in each lesson

Introduce your students to the wonders of nature in German with our classroom content!

Click the "Add to Cart" button to purchase.

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More knowledge in our magical AR books!

Also put our amazing augmented reality book in the hands of your students and they will soar in their learning! Our AR book is a great addition to the online classroom content and contains many exciting reading materials for curious students.

Get to know our volume "Naturwissenschaft" in our online bookstore!

80 slides
40 tests
40 videos, films
Published: 09.12.2022
Fulfillment condition
View all slides

1. Unser kosmisches Zuhause
2. Unser ewiger Begleiter
3. Kalt und heiss
4. Geburt der Giganten
5. Feuerriesen
6. Sie bewegt sich noch!
7. Wunderbare Tropfsteine
8. Kalt, warm, heiss!
9. Klettern durch Klimate!
10. Woher weht der Wind?
11. Fronten
12. Feuchtigkeit in der Luft
13. Die Quelle des Lebens
14. Wasser überall
15. Der Wasserkreislauf
16. Oberflächengewässer
17. Unter der Oberfläche...
18. Atommodelle
19. Im Atom
20. Woraus besteht die Welt?
21. Warum ist es so, wie es ist?
22. Schwarze Diamanten
23. Mehreiige Zwillinge
24. Das Geheimnis der Minen
25. Sedimentgesteine
26. Solange es heiß ist!
27. Die Königin der Metalle
28. Goldener Glanz
29. Schwindende Energien
30. Leben unter unseren Füssen
31. Das siebte Element
32. Wo bist du, Stickstoff?
33. Aggregatzustände
34. Kartoffeln a'la Darwin
35. Meerwasser als Lösung
36. Lös dich auf!
37. Was sagt der Kohl?
38. Gase
39. Schmutzige Angelegenheiten
40. Unter einem Schutzschild
41. Das Erde-Mond-System
42. Der ökologische Flußabdruck
43. Die Photosynthese
44. Die Polarregionen der Erde

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