Geometria - tantermi tartalom

Engaging lessons, better grades at school

Use our valuable digital content in Hungarian as a teacher! Our projectable multimedia and online tests can add vareity to class work and motivate students to actively participate. Our classroom system effectively supports your work, turning the teaching-learning process into an experience.

How about making learning effortless and enjoyable?

What if cutting-edge and captivating tools inspired the students?

Subscribe to our classroom system! Enrich your methodological repertoire with spectacular animations projected in the classroom, and test lines completed on mobile devices.

  • unlimited access for 1 teacher to the online content "Geometria" for 1 year
  • use of projectable animations in the classroom
  • unlimited access of Class Quizzes for the teacher and their students, as well as evaluation of the given answers
  • who disturbed Archimedes’ circles?
  • what is exactly the Pythagorean Theorem?
  • what are the vectors?
  • how does translation appear in architecture?
  • and many other questions illustrated with spectacular 2D and 3D animations
  • and many more interesting facts about Geometry, presented with impressive 3D animations

Scroll down for the detailed table of contents!

  • 40+ topics in Hungarian covered in separate lessons, with continually expanding content
  • 40 pc 3D animation with voice over with extra lessons
  • Class Quizzes with 5 questions in each lesson

Introduce your students to Geometry with the help of our classroom content!

Click the "Add to Cart" button to purchase.

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More knowledge in our magical AR books!

Also put our amazing augmented reality book in the hands of your students and they will soar in their learning! Our AR book is a great addition to the online classroom content and contains many exciting reading materials for curious students.

Get to know our volume "Geometria" in our online bookstore!

80 slides
40 tests
19 videos, films
21 video 3D
Published: 20.09.2021
Fulfillment condition
View all slides

1. Alapfogalmak
2. Helyzetjelentés
3. Térelemek hajlásszöge
4. Közel s távol
5. Mértani helyek
6. Vektorok
7. Síktransz­formációk
8. Eltolás
9. Tükrözés
10. Hasonlóság
11. A sík mint tükör
12. Forgatás pont körül
13. Forgatás térben
14. Pitagorasz tétele
15. Thalész tétele
16. (Három)szögek tételei
17. Trigonometria
18. Szinusz-, koszinusztétel
19. Négyszögek
20. Kívül & belül
21. A sokszögek
22. Poliéderek
23. Hasábok
24. Egyenes & ferde
25. Négyszög alapokon
26. Oszloptól a kockáig
27. Gúla
28. Csonka gúla
29. Kör
30. Mit rejt a kör?
31. Szögek a körben
32. Gömb
33. A Föld is gömb?
34. Henger, körhenger
35. Kúpok
36. Forgáskúpok
37. A forgáskúp metszetei
38. Megpörgetve
39. Egymásba írt testek
40. Test a testben
41. Geometria a konyhában
42. Az aranyarány
43. Az Élet Virága

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