Below you will find information on using the system and resolving any technical issues that may arise.
- Frequently Asked Questions
- General functions
- Tutorials, courses
- Exams, tests, questionnaires
- Online exam
- Exam results
- Questionnaire types
- Questionnaire information
- Single choice question
- Multiple choice questions
- Sequence task
- Matching task
- Hot spot task
- Fill in the blank (list) task
- Fill in the blank (gap) task
- Rating
- Written assignment
- Move on to the next question
- Finish test
- Feedback - The correct answer has been marked
- Feedback - Wrong answer marked
- Feedback - For a written assignment
- Class Quiz (group test completion) - for instructors
- Class Quiz - for students
Using the portal
The appearance of the portal is completely customizable so no two websites look the same: the structure, location and graphics of the menus are different in each case.
In this help you give a general description of how to use the site (so the screenshots may be different from what you see on the portal).
Frequently Asked Questions
Technical conditions for using the website
The site and courses can be viewed on a PC, notebook, tablet and mobile phone.
The site works on the following operating systems (and newer versions):
- Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 10
- Macintosh OS X 10.8.
A HTML5 compliant browser is required for the online interface to work properly. Such browsers (and newer versions):
- Microsoft Edge 25
- Google Chrome 28
- Mozilla Firefox 28
- Safari 7.0
- Opera 26
If you have an older version of the browser, please upgrade. In most browsers you can do this by selecting About from the Help menu. The browser will then offer to upgrade to a newer version if necessary.
A minimum resolution of 1024 × 768 and a color depth of 32 bits are recommended for use this portal.
Like all websites this portal uses cookies (a simple text file) to operate. Click I Agree to hide the message. Click on the Details button to read the description of the Privacy Notice about Cookies.
Playing videos on this website does not cause significant internet traffic. The videos download approx. between 4 and 6 MB of data (equivalent to an average bandwidth of 0.53 to 0.8 Mbit / s) - not continuously but only at certain intervals. (It is not streamed at a constant rate like youtube, but is provided via HTTP download.)
General functions
Portal functions
Depending on the configured modules, the system may include the following functions: viewing online courses, applying for training, news, events, websiteb store. These functions can be accessed from the menu bar on the top.
If the portal is available in more than one language, you can switch the language by clicking on the small flag icon on the right corner.
(Registered users can set their own default language in My Menu / Profile.) -
Most features require registration. You can start your registration by clicking on the Registration button at the top of the home page. On mobile device click on the head icon and on the Login panel choose Registration.
After completing the registration form an email will be sent to the address provided. Depending on the settings of the site you may need to confirm your registration by clicking on the link in the email. In this case you will only be able to log in after successful activation.
Registration form
You need to provide some basic information during registration. You can decide whether you want to log in with our email address or come up with a separate username.
It can be set that only invited people with a key code can register (keycodes can only be used once).
Please be sure to enter a valid email address as emails will be sent to this address.
You can log in by clicking on the Login button on the top of the website and entering your username or email address and password.
Forgot password
If you do not remember your password click on the Forgot Password link on the Login panel then enter the email address you provided during registration. Click the Send button and you will get a new password.
You can log in with the temporary password you received in the email. You can then enter any other password in the My Menu / Profile.
Clicking on the My Menu on the left side of the screen contains menus related to your account.
You can change your e-mail address and password by selecting the option Profile.
On the Profile page can change the basic information provided during registration. Below you can enter additional information required for course application and billing.
You can also request to delete your account by checking the I delete my account option.
Tutorials, courses
View content
After selecting the lesson the content itself will be displayed.
In the left part you can see the title of pages and in the middle you can read the tutorial.
The slide is indicated by a small camera icon next to the slide title if it has a video.
Scroll slides
There are several ways to scroll to the next (or any) slide:
You can switch to the desired slide by clicking on the slide title on the left.
Use the right arrow key on the keyboard to move to the next slide and the left arrow key to go to the previous slide.At the bottom of the left column you see how many slides the current lesson has and which one you are looking at. Click the right arrow button to move to the next slide and the left arrow button to move back to the previous slide.
Click the Close button at the top of the page to close this lesson and go back to the list of lessons.
Conditional progress within the course
You may not be able to view any of the lessons immediately. You can read about this in the pop-up message when you first enter the course. For example you need to complete the lessons in sequence so you can only open the first lesson and if you've finished it you can open the second lesson and so on. Or you have to read through the course first and then you can start theexam in the end.
Lessons that are not available yet (inactive) are shown in light gray. Click on them to find out what you need to accomplish to move forward.
Play videos, enlarge pictures
To start a video click the play button in the middle.
Use the slider at the bottom of the video to step anywhere in the video.
You can also view videos in a larger size by clicking the Full Screen button on the right. To exit full screen mode press ESC button on the keyboard.You can also enlarge the images by clicking on them.
Tracking progress, complete course
The progress bar on the card of the course shows a percentage of how far did you get in the course. If you enter the course yo can see the same bar on the top.
There's another progress bar on the lesson card which showshow faw you've got in that lesson. If there is an exam in that lesson you will also see it's icon on the card.
By clicking on the Progress info button above, you can get detailed information about how much time you spent in the lessons and on each page.
The red icon indicates the course, the orange icon indicates the chapters (if any), and the blue icon indicates the lessons. Within the lessons there are the pages (slides). A green check mark at the beginning of the line means the lesson has already been completed. The Compulsory column shows how much time should be spent in the lesson (if required).
You can open the lesson / chapter by clicking on the title. The lessons that are not yet available for you will be inactive (grey).
At the top of the page you see the progress bar and what are the conditions for completing the course.
Lessons and chapters can be opened and collapsed by clicking on the arrow icon in front of them to make it easier to see the entire table of contents. The down arrow (V) indicates the open state and the right arrow (>) indicates the closed state.
To open or collapse all lessons or chapters at once, click the lesson or chapter icon in the Open / Close All box at the top of the page.
For example you can review all the lessons.
By default you see the full table of contents. But if there are just a few items you missed it can be helpful to set the View button at the top to Hide Completed. So only those items will be listed that you have not yet viewed or haven't spent the required time.
What is needed to complete the course
You can also see what the requirements are in a pop-up window by clicking the Info button on the card of the course.
To complete the tutorial you may need to:
- view all pages
- complete the required time
- complete all exams inside the courseView All Pages
At this point, you need to read through the entire material, viewing each page (slide). The pages and lessons viewed are green.
The progress bar at this time shows what percentage of the pages in the tutorial have already been viewebsited. When you are done it turns green.Spending the required time
A certain amount of time may be required to spent learning the course, especially in licensed, accredited e-learning courses,. For example in a 20-hour training you have to be active for 20 hours in the course.
If you open the lesson but do not move the mouse or don't switch to another page then timekeeping will stop automatically after a few minutes. The same thing happens when you switch to another browser window. So the system only measures the time when the course window is active and you read the content, you move through the course from page to page, so you are active.The progress bar shows how much of the required time has already been reached. If you spend the required time in one lesson and spend more time in it, it is very commendable but it does not reduce the time required for the other lessons so the progress bar of the course will not change either.
Successful completion of all exams
If you also need to pass exams in the course a separate small bar next to the progress bar shows whether you have already passed the exams.
For example, in the image below, you can see that you have already spent the required time in the tutorial but have not yet taken the exam.After taking the exam:
Completion steps (statuses)
Not started: You haven’t even entered any of the lessons in the course. (Browsing the list of lessons does not count.)
In progress: You have already entered the course at least once. Maybe you have even read it all the way through so the progress bar shows 100% but you have not yet met all the requirements, e.g. you have not yet passed the exam. (Or vice versa: you've taken the exam but haven't yet completed the required time.)
Completed: You have fulfilled all requirements. You still can enter the course as long as your access lasts.
Finished (failed): You have gone through the whole course but failed the exam so many times that you have no more opportunities to try.
Unfinished: Your access to the course has expired and you have failed to complete it during this time.
Settings, change views, languages
Buttons in the upper right corner: Search, Turn animations on / off, Switch to scrolling view, Close or Exit
Depending on the settings in the tutorial, the slides may alternate (move) on the screen, and then the elements on the slide (images, text, videos) will be animated, delayed, similar to a PowebsiterPoint presentation. For those who are confused, you can turn it off with the second, Turn Animations On / Off icon above the tutorial.
Click the Switch to paged view (phone) button to see the lesson in a mobile-optimized view.
If you also have access to other language versions of the curriculum, the flag of the current language with a small check mark icon and the flag of the other language will appear on the button bar. Click on the flags to switch to the current language equivalent of the current page. If the tutorial is available in three or more languages, the flags will appear in a drop-down list.
View on mobile device (Page view)
On your phone or tablet the tutorials automatically appear to fit the size of the screen. The items displayed side by side on the monitor are displayed one below the other on the phone.
At the bottom of the page you can scroll and switch between slides. Clicking on the slide numbers will display a list of slides, so you can switch to a more distant slide and quickly jump to the beginning or end of the lesson.
Search the text
You can search for a keyword in the lesson using the Search button above the text.
Simply type in the word you are looking for and a colored background will highlight that word in the text on all slides in that lesson.
Exams, tests, questionnaires
Online exam
There are two types of exams on the portal: exams in electronic tutorials (which appear in a lesson) and stand-alone exams.
you can find both types of exams on the My Exams website from My Menu .you can take the individual exams within the examination period prescribed for us. In addition to the My Exams website, there are the Current Exams currently available to us.
Clicking on the Details button does not start the exam yet, you can just see the exam home page, which shows how many questions you will have, how much time you have for the exam, how many times you can try.
Click the Start Exam button to begin filling out the exam questionnaire. A successful exam cannot be retaken.At the end of the line, you can read how many more days you have left to pass the exam. If there are only a few days left, this label will turn yellow. For less than one day, the label will be red.
At the bottom of the page, there will be a separate group for Future Exams that you can't take yet, but let's know when the exam was scheduled for us.
Exam results
you can see the results of our successful and unsuccessful exams on the My Exam Results website available from My Menu . An exam that has been completed one or more times has failed , but you have not reached your limit and you have no more opportunities to try. you missed the exam you never tried to pass, but the exam period is over.
The list shows the result of our last attempt from that exam. you can also click on the Try All button to see the results of our previous attempts from that exam.
Questionnaire types
The following types of questionnaires can be found on the portal:
Self-check test: No matter how many times it is repeated, the result will not be saved, most of the time it does not have a home page, you will see the first question immediately.
Test: As many times as you can repeat, the results will be saved.
Exam: The number of attempts can be limited, a time limit is set for it, the results are saved. Successful exam cannot be repeated.
Written assignment : you need to enter text that is not evaluated by the system but read and scored by a teacher. (For example, translation, wording)
Self-reflective test: Depending on the total score of our answers, you may receive feedback. (Example: "What personality type am I?")
Survey: A statistical survey (such as a satisfaction questionnaire) can only be completed once. No timing, data is saved, usually anonymously.
you can read this information on the homepage of the questionnaire:
Questionnaire information
The order of the answers is usually confused, and the order of the questions can be confused (depending on the setting). So if you take the same test / exam more than once, you can get the questions in a different order.
It is also possible for the system to draw some questions from a larger question bank at random. So if you re-complete the test / exam, you may get other questions.
If a time limit has been set for the exam, you can see how much time you have left to complete it above the questions. When the time expires, the system closes the exam and evaluates the exam based on the questions answered so far.
For practice self-tests, you may see a Check button below each question, and clicking it will immediately tell you if your answer is correct. In the case of exams, you can only receive feedback after the completion of the completion, after pressing the Close button.
If you pass the exam in less than the specified time, the system will still credit the total time frame set for the test / exam. So in the example above, the system counts 1 hour if you pass the exam in 30 minutes.
Single choice question
You can mark one answer and there is only one good answer. Circular icons indicate answers.
Multiple choice question
You can mark multiple answers and have one or more correct answers (even all answers may be correct). you can click on checkboxes.
Sequence question
You need to put the texts below in the correct order. There are two ways to replace the currently displayed item ( Chain Bridge in the image): Drag and drop it onto the corresponding empty gray rectangle, or click on the rectangle where you want to place it and the text will float there.
you can also use the right / left arrows next to them to scroll through the answers below. For example, you can find the answer that matches the second place below and put it in its place.
you can also change the order of the answers that have already been posted by dragging them to the desired location.
Matching question
Next to the texts on the left, you have to indent the corresponding answers from below. There are two ways to replace the currently displayed item ( yellow in the image): Drag and drop it onto the corresponding empty gray rectangle, or click on the rectangle where you want to place it and the text will swim.
you can also use the right / left arrows next to them to scroll through the answers below. For example, you can find the answer that fits in the first place below and put it in its place.
you can also change the order of the answers that have already been posted by dragging them to the desired location.
Hot spot
Any number of points on a picture are marked with letters. Next to the letter, you need to draw the corresponding text from below.
There are two ways to replace the currently displayed item (the Citadel in the picture): drag and drop it onto the corresponding empty gray rectangle, or click on the rectangle where you want to place it and the text will float there.
you can also use the right / left arrows next to them to scroll through the answers below. For example, you can find the answer that matches the second place below and put it in its place.
you can also rearrange the order of the answers that have already been placed by dragging them to the desired location.
Fill in blank (list)
The text is missing words / phrases that can be selected from a drop-down list.
The list may include good or bad answers. There may be more than one answer, but only one can and should be marked.
Fill in blank (gap)
The text is missing words / phrases that you need to type. The length of the blanks is random and does not indicate the length of the word to be typed. The system is not case sensitive and does not take unnecessary spaces into account.
There may be several correct answers, but you only need to type one.
In survey -type questionnaires, you can answer the questions by evaluating them on a setting-dependent scale. you can also type our opinion in text form. In this case, there is no evaluation at the end of the fill, as there is no right or wrong answer.
Written assignment
For written assignments, you will need to enter a longer text that will be read and scored by the instructor. you can read the question / task at the top, enter the text. The system automatically saves the text after a few seconds. you don’t have to answer all the questions at once, you can continue completing the task the next day.
you can type the text in the text box or copy it from a Word document, for example. you can use emoticons and smileys in it. With a smartphone, you can also enter and read text by speaking using voice input (Typing with speech).
The question / task can also apply to an image. The attached image is indicated by the icon below, which you can click to display the image.
The system automatically saves the entered text, which is indicated in the lowebsiter left corner. In the lowebsiter right corner you see how many characters you have entered so far.
Move on to the next question
Use the right arrow next to the question numbers below to move to the next question and the left arrow to return to the previous question. you can also jump to a specific question by clicking on the serial number.
If you are on a mandatory question, you cannot proceed until you have answered it, as indicated by a red signal. (All questions must be answered for pairing, queuing, blind mapping, and text completion.)
A black bar below the serial numbers indicates a question that has already been fully answered, a white bar indicates questions that have not yet been answered, and a black and white bar indicates questions that have been partially answered (question 1 in the image).
Going to the Finish tab below, you won't close the exam yet, you'll just list how many questions you've answered.
Finish test
On the Finish tab, click Finish to complete the questionnaire.
The system will then summarize the answers and (depending on the setting) print out whether the test / exam was successful.
Written assignments cannot be evaluated automatically. Returning to this foundation, you will be able to see the evaluation when it is completed.
Until the instructor has scored the tasks, you will see the text under Correction .
Once the fix is complete, you can read the result on the home page and click the View Rating button to see detailed feedback.
Feedback - The correct answer has been marked
For the most part, you can see which question would have been answered correctly (depending on the setting).
Below the number of questions, green indicates a completely good answer, red indicates a bad or partially bad answer.The system will indicate in bright green where the correct answer is marked.
Feedback - Wrong answer marked
The system will indicate in red where a bad answer has been marked. At the same time, it mostly indicates what the correct answer would have been.
In our example, for a good answer type question, you incorrectly marked City Park (red), but the correct answer would have been Margaret Island (pale green).
For several good answer type questions, the Basilica was the correct answer (green) and the Fisherman's Bastion was the wrong answer (red). you can see that you should have even checked the Opera House and the Parliament , because they are also correct answers (pale green).
In the case of a queuing task, the Elizabeth Bridge was mistakenly pulled into 3rd place (red), even though the correct solution would have been 4th place.
For a matching task, the green subway color was incorrectly drawn next to 2 (red), but the location would be next to item 4.
For a blind map task, the Citadel is placed next to the point marked B in the image (red), although D would be correct.
For the text completion (optional) task, Sikló was the wrong answer (red border). Click on the field to see what the correct answers would have been (green font color).
The text completion (typing) task had 20 wrong answers (red border). Click on the field to see what the correct answers would have been (green font color).
Feedback - For a written assignment
At the top, after the question, you see how many points you got and what the maximum was. In the example, you got 4 points out of 5.
Below you can read the instructor's textual evaluation and feedback.
Class Quiz (group test filling) - for instructors
With the help of the Class Quiz the instructor can distribute tests to the participants and track each response of all the participants in real time. In the Class Quiz or in the traditional education, the instructor / teacher distributes the tests to the people who are physically present in the same place on the site, or sends the link to the students during the online education.
To use the Class Quiz, the teacher must register, students are not required (just enter a nickname).The Class Quiz is usually for a single occasion, used for 1-2 hours. However, the Class Quiz will remain open until the instructor closes it, so it can be open for days.
The Class Quiz works as follows: The instructor creates a Class Quiz with a unique link. Participants enter the Class Quiz with the link provided. The instructor distributes the tests, which participants can complete only once. After the specified time, the instructor can finish completing the tests and project the results in the Class Quiz.
You can start a new Class Quiz by clicking on the Class Quiz button above the test card while viewing a tutorial. Additional tests can be distributed later in this Class Quiz.
Click the Copy icon next to the ID in the upper-right corner of the Class Quiz to copy the link for participants for the Class Quiz. This can be emailed to participants or projected. For example:
After entering their names, participants enter the Class Quiz where they can start the tests.
The instructor will see a list of participants in the Connected Students section.
Assigning and closing tests
From the Assign Test list, you can assign tests to participants.
The list in front of the button allows you to filter to see only the tests for a particular tutorial. With the All Tests option, all the tests for all the tutorials (available to you) are displayed in the Test Assignment list.
Next to the names of the tests, you can see how many students have started to complete the test so far, how many have completed it, and what percentage of them have succeeded in meeting the required level.
You can abort the tests by clicking the End Test
function by clicking the menu icon at the end of the line . Participants who are currently working on the test will be notified in a pop-up window that they will not be able to continue completing, and their current results will be saved.
In the same place, the Delete Test function can be used to delete the test from the Class Quiz, in which case the results will also be deleted.
Track the completion of tests
As an instructor, you can project the data of the participants who complete the test with a projector in the room.
If the results are not displayed, the pencil icon in front of the participants' name indicates that they are still completing the test. The closed book shows that the test is completed.By default the results are hidden, as indicated in the last column by the Disable Achieved Level button (crossed out icon).
In this case, the people sitting in the room do not see what percentage of the results websitere achieved and the number of successful / unsuccessful candidates does not appear (you see a question mark instead).
If the Show Level Achieved button is turned on, the results for each participant will be visible (unless the test line is collapsed).When you complete the ongoing tests, you can immediately see in real time where you are in answering the questions and what percentage you currently have.
Be careful, because if you mark the wrong answer and see on the projector that your level has not changed, you will find out which is the right answer and can improve your answer. Therefore, if you are projecting the condition of the Class Quiz, you may want to wait for the tests to complete or close before displaying the details.You can also collapse the list of participants and the test panels by clicking on the small arrow after the title to make it easier to complete multiple tests.
Clicking on the participant's name will open the test on a separate tab and you can track the completion of the test. As soon as a person marks an answer, you immediately see the change as an instructor.
Class Quiz - for students
As a student, you can enter the Class Quiz without registration by clicking on the link provided (for example:, all you have to do is type in our name.
You can also enter the Class Quiz on the main page. In the panel enter the Class Quiz ID you received from the instructor (3 + 3 characters).
Entering the Class Quiz you can start and answer the assigned tests.
Each can only be completed once.You can exit the Class Quiz yourself but the system will automatically log you out when the instructor closes the Class Quiz.